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Notfallnummer von der Notfallkarte:

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Schnelle Hilfe für Haustiere

Was passiert mit Ihren Haustieren, wenn Ihnen etwas zustösst?

Die HelpMyPet-Notfallkarte identifiziert Sie als Tierhalter, wenn Sie in eine Notsituation geraten. So wird sichergestellt, dass Ihre Tiere nicht unversorgt alleine bleiben und vergessen werden.

Mit Hilfe Ihrer persönlichen Notfallnummer, die Sie nach der kostenlosen Registrierung erhalten, können jederzeit - RUND UM DIE UHR - Ihre hinterlegten Informationen abgerufen werden:

  • Kontaktdaten Ihrer Vertrauenspersonen
  • Wichtige Informationen zu Ihren Tieren, wie Krankheiten, Ernährung oder Vorlieben
  • Kontaktdaten des Tierarztes und der Tierklinik Ihres Vertrauens
  • Kontaktdaten des Tierheimes Ihres Vertrauens
  • Ihre Hinweise für den Notfall
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Quick help for pets when their owners in distress

What happens to your pets when you get into an emergency situation?:

The HelpMyPet emergency card identifies you as a petowner if you get into an emergency situation. If somebody puts your individual SOS number in the field "report emergency" on, help for your pets will start immediately. In case of emergency your SOS card signals to helping people immediately and unequivocally that you have pets that need to be supplied. Only your SOS number has to be entered on to start help. Your confidents will be informed immediatel about the emergency. Your confidence people gain access to the emergency instructions, you can define for this purpose. If your confidence people do not react within 12 hours, we will inform helper and authorities on the spot. How HelpMyPet works:

Register for free: while registering your personal SOS number will be generated. In case of emergency help for your pets will start immediately, when your SOS number will be put on


Register for free:

Define your persons of confidence and store your emergency information. Who should care for your pets in an emergency? Which information about your pets will be needed? Additionally you can enter your contact details veterinarian, veterinary clinic and animal shelter of your choice.

Store information about your pets. Store the important information about your pets: favourite food, allergies and diseases on long-term medication to likes and dislikes. This information will help your friends to supply your pets, in case that you are not able to supply them. Secure the best care for your pets.

Your personal SOS Card is provided with your individual SOS number. If you get into an emergency situation, your SOS card will shows, that your pets need help. Your SOS card will be found. Somebody will read and follow the instructions. According to the inctruction printed on the card in 8 languages it is quite easy to start help for your pets. Your SOS number must be put on For the production of the SOS card, we charge a fee of € 5 + shipping.

Report emergency and start help for pets. As soon as you have received your SOS card, the emergency service for your account will activated. The emergency service is available - ROUND THE CLOCK. We monitor every emergency report, until we receive confirmation, that somebody takes care of your pets. In case of emergeny your friends will receive your emergency information. For example information about your animals, about food intolerance, chronic medication, likes and dislikes, contactinformation of your veterinarian, animal clinic and the animal shelter of your confidence

HelpMyPet in der Presse

Nippers 3/2014

Wenn Menschen in Not geraten, hilft HelpMyPet ihren Vierbeinern...

Partner Hund 1/2015

Gute Idee.
Haustier allein zu Haus...

Laura 2/2012

Und wer kümmert sich ums Tier?

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